Nagar Suraksha Samiti

Nagar Suraksha Samiti is a unique Endeavour of Indore Police to implement the concept of Community Policing in real sense. Nagar Suraksha Samities comprising eminent personalities of the city were formed at Police Station Level as well as at CSP Level.

These groups of the eminent personalities used to assist the Police at the time of festivals, communal tensions, law and order problems, traffic jams etc.

Objectives of Nagar Suraksha Samiti

  • To maintain social and communal harmony between different communities of the society
  • Helping police in law and order during big events and rallies
  • Helping police in Natural and Artificial calamities
  • Helping police in controlling women and child abuse.
  • Help police in pollution control through better traffic management
  • Educate public regarding the ill effects of liquor and drug addiction
  • Educate weaker sections of society about adult education and slum development
  • Environmental protection and development
  • Remove social evils from the society and help police to control crime

Structure of Nagar Suraksha Samitis

  • Nagar Suraksha Samitis follow beat system of police organization
  • Every police station has near about 5-7 beats.
  • Every beat has minimum 15 active members of Nagar Suraksha Samiti.
  • Every beat has a beat coordinator and every police station has one police station coordinator for Nagar Suraksha Samiti.
  • The members and the beat coordinators are appointed by the superintendent of police through police station in charge.
  • The coordinators ensures the mutual cooperation between the members of Nagar Suraksha Samiti and police station staff.
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