Traffic Wardens

As the number of vehicles in city is increasing, traffic management is becoming difficult day by day. Congestion and traffic jams causes lot of inconvenience to public and have negative impact on the progressive image of the city.

In wake of these developments Indore Police came up with a novel idea of involving the concerned citizens of the city in managing traffic.

In order to implement this idea at the ground level ‘Traffic Prahari Dals’ or ‘Traffic Warden’ were constituted which mainly comprise the members of Nagar Suraksha Samiti and traffic warden organization, trained students associated with NCC/Scout and Guides, children of RI Group and students from schools and colleges and the prestigious and honourable citizens who have voluntarily given their active participation for Traffic Police.

This organization was formally inaugurated by the then Director General, Madhya Pradesh Police, on 29th April 2002 at a Special Function held at Ravindranatya Graha, Indore

Traffic Police organises 10 day special training program for such volunteers at the Traffic Park. Trained volunteers are then requested to provide a helping hand to the Traffic Police.

Traffic Prahri Dal receives a lot of appreciation for coordination and traffic management at the time of religious gatherings, VIP visits, processions and other social activities. With this there has been a considerable enhancement in the services of Indore Police with a considerable decrease in number of conflicts between public & police.

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