Special Women Rights

  • Government can make provision in favour of women for ensuring just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief and ensures equal pay for equal work

  • There are some grounds available to the wife only, both in Hindu and civil marriages

  • A hindu wife is entitled to be maintained by her husband. If there is a decree of maintenance against the husband and the couple have been living apart for over one year, it would be a ground for the wife to seek dissolution of marriage. Here again the Muslim Personal Law has a different set of conditions for the annulment of an Islamic marriage.

  • An abortion or miscarriage due to natural causes is not an offence. Therefore, the law does not deal with it. However, violent and forceful abortion is a crime. The punishment could even be life imprisonment.

  • The Hindu Succession Act gives male and female heirs almost equal right to inheritance. Any property possessed by a female Hindu shall be held by her as full owner and not as a limited owner.

  • The Child Marriage Restraint Act specifies the cut-off age for marriage as 18 years, protecting women from child marriage.

  • For the guilty of bigamy(multiple marriages) the punishment is up to seven years imprisonment.

  • Up to 7yrs of marriage if women commit suicide IPC can punish the suicide victim's husband with up to 10 years imprisonment if found guilty.

  • Law punishes individuals who have insulted the modesty of a woman. Offensive language, sounds, gestures and intrusion of a woman's privacy are punishable, an individual who has assaulted a woman, used criminal force on her or outraged her modesty in any other way can be punished with imprisonment of up to 2 years.

Special Initiatives by Madhya Pradesh Police

  • We care for you

    It's special cell for quick action against complaints related to abuse phone calls. Anybody who is receiving undesired calls / SMS on her mobile can complaint directly.

  • Mahila Desk

    It's special cell for quick action against complaints related to abuse phone calls. Anybody who is receiving undesired calls / SMS on her mobile can complaint directly.

  • Mahila Thana

    A Police Station dedicated for women complainants. Only lady officers are appointed to make it convenient for women to lodge a complaint. This is useful especially in cases of dowry or cases where complaint is being lodge against family members.

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