Domestic Voilence

The new law provides an all-encompassing definition of domestic violence including not only physical violence by the husband, such as beating or physically hurting his wife, or sexual violence like forced intercourse, but also verbal or emotional violence such as insulting the wife or preventing her from taking up a job, and even economic violence such as not allowing the wife to use her salary.

Any man found guilty under the Domestic Violence Act 2005 would be sent to jail and/or fined upto Rs. 20,000. They can also be charged under other sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), if applicable.

Forms of "cruelty" recognized by the Courts

  • Persistent denial of food
  • Insisting on perverse sexual conduct
  • Constantly locking a woman out of the house,
  • Denying the woman access to children, thereby causing mental torture
  • Physical violence
  • Taunting, demoralising and putting down the woman with the intention of causing mental torture
  • Confining the woman at home and not allowing her normal social intercourse
  • Abusing children in their mother's presence with the intention of causing her mental torture
  • Denying the paternity of the children with the intention of inflicing mental pain upon the mother
  • Threatening divorce unless dowry is given.

Also You have the following rights

  • Assistance of protection officer, service providers or the other in charge of the nearest PS in registering your compliant and filing an application for relief.

  • Receive protection for you and your children from act of domestic violence

  • Right to measures and orders protecting you against the particular danger or insecurities you or your child are facing.

  • To stay in the house and to seek restrain an other person residing in the same house, from interfering with or disturbing peaceful enjoyment of the house and the amenities, facilities therein by you or your children

  • To regain possession of your Stridhan, jewellery household goods etc

  • To get medical assistance, shelter, counseling any legal aid

  • To restrain the person committing domestic violence against you from contacting you or communicating with you in any manner.

  • To get compensation any physical or mental injury or any other monetary loss due to domestic violence

  • To file complaint or application for relief under the act directly to the court

  • To get the copies of any statements recorded by any authority is connection with domestic violence

  • The assistance of protection officer or the police to rescue you from any damage.

Special Initiatives by Madhya Pradesh Police

  • We care for you

    It's special cell for quick action against complaints related to abuse phone calls. Anybody who is receiving undesired calls / SMS on her mobile can complaint directly.

  • Mahila Desk

    It's special cell for quick action against complaints related to abuse phone calls. Anybody who is receiving undesired calls / SMS on her mobile can complaint directly.

  • Mahila Thana

    A Police Station dedicated for women complainants. Only lady officers are appointed to make it convenient for women to lodge a complaint. This is useful especially in cases of dowry or cases where complaint is being lodge against family members.

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